Improvıng socıal cohesıon and access to counsellıng, protectıon and socıal servıces for refugees and host communıtıes ın Mardın Provınce
Project partners: Deutsche welthungerhilfe e.V - Her Yerde Sanat Derneği - Türkiye Kalkınma Vakfı
Project period: 01 December 2019 - 31 May 2022 ( 30 months ) - Extended 30 November 2022 ( 36 Months )
Budget: 872.310,00 EUR ( in total : 2.2 M € )
Venue: Mardin province
Social inclusion events
Darkroom photography workshop
Science and Technology wrokshop
The project will directly reach a total of around 11,280 people, at least 50% of whom are women, through various measures and with varying intensity. The aim is for members of the host community to account for about 40% of the direct target group.
Initially, the staff of AA and TKV as well as government agencies will benefit from the proposed project by strengthening capacities (151 persons). During the implementation of the project activities, broad-based events to improve social cohesion will reach a significant number of people through joint activities (6700 and another 900 people through leisure activities). On the other hand, assistance measures in the field of psychosocial assistance (for 1500 persons) or legal advice (for 900 persons) are highly individualised and require more effort. A further 775 people, as well as 120 pre-school and 240 school children, will benefit from educational measures through referral to public services.
In the present project, a special focus is to be placed on children and young people and their families in order to enable them to integrate better into the host community and to improve their development prospects through various offers.
Even though the project's main focus is on Syrian refugees, members of the Turkish host communities are also included in the social services in order to strengthen the cohesion of the two population groups. The families and the immediate environment of this direct target group of refugees and host communities also benefit from the project's activities. With regard to subgoal 1, these are up to 14,400 individuals, depending on how many children from a family participate in the activities. The indirect target group of sub-objectives 2, 3 and 4 is much higher, as these sub-objectives aim at social change through the strengthening of institutional capacities and social cohesion, but concrete figures are difficult to estimate. The indirect target group is therefore roughly estimated at around 50,000 people.
Live Report 2020
live report 2021
live report 2022
We are everywhere for children. Circus activities for children who do not have access to circus, music, photography and many other fun activities, Mobil Sirkhane organizes workshops and events in neighborhoods, villages, towns and regions.
In this direction, workshops and activities were held in Bahçelievler Kızıltepe, one of the neighborhoods closest to the border in Mardin, between February and June 2022.
After each workshop, a demonstration event was organized where the children participating in the workshop could exhibit their performances.

in Bahçelievler; A total of 856 children were reached, including 279 children's music workshops, 214 children's circus workshops, 220 children's photography workshops, and 143 children's science workshops.

project activities:
identification of needy refugees and referral to existing (public) services. Case management and referred to public services for 275 for vulnerable refugees and members of host communities in the province of Mardin.
Creative and leisure activities for children & targeted awareness raising incl. photo workshops and children's radio. photography and children's radio for 1070 participants.
Promotion of access to education, understanding technology developments, science and creativeness. technology and science workshops for 500 participants
To promote inter-cultural exchange and understanding and thus contribute to improved social cohesion.Actions to improve mental health and psychosocial support activities. social circus activities for 570 participants.
Music especially helps children to express themselves and interact with others without the urgent need to master the language. music workshops for 570 participants.
implementation of creative and leisure workshops and festival for refugees and members of the host community. Flying Carpet Festivals for 6700 participants