
To keep the sparks of childhood alive.

Why do we do this?

We try to prolong the childhood of those children who had to grow up very quickly, due to harsh circumstances that they experience on a daily basis. We work in the areas where it is difficult to be a child and to remain a child. Socio-cultural forces in such communities dictates a child, to grow up fast, stop smiling and dive deeper into stereotypical gender roles. We are a non-political, non-ideological and non-religious organization in places were the aforementioned forces could pressure children and adults to give up their childhood and get involved with numbers, difficulties of life and be an adult sooner than they need to.

Why do we do this?

Our secret of sustainability is based on how we engage our volunteer artists. We are an artist-residency for those, who care enough about the essence of humanity, children. In our vision, true art is in service of those are most in need. But we are interested in artists who have pedagogic background, are sensitive and are looking for “real” inspiration. We bring the best of the best, to meet with our children, form “true” and genuine artistic collaborations with our children and engage them in the process of creating beauty out of darkness and nothing. This is our method of giving tools of expression to children who are desperately in need of expressing themselves and be an active member of their communities.