In DARKROOM, children who normally have little or no access to cultural opportunities, get to shoot, develop and print their photography which is mainly about their daily lives and a sense of survival in difficult circumstances.

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Photography as a pedagogIc method, enables chIldren to fIrst of all know themselves better. It Is an effectIve method of teachIng chIldren comIng from dIffIcult cIrcumstances, new ways of thInkIng, creatIvIty and beIng playful whIle expandIng theIr perspectIve of theIr lIfe and theIr surroundIngs.
DARKROOM is originally initiated by Turkish photographer, Emel Ernalbant under Sirkhane Social Circus School and was later continued , sustained and developed by young Syrian photographer, Serbest Salih who himself escaped the Syrian war and arrived in Turkey as a refugee.

take a look from here
Our memories of a childhood toy, a song we might have heard at a young age, a brief moment when we saw our reflection in the mirror, fragments of moments we can vaguely remember are pretty much equalised on paper in terms of meaning. Yet, they acquire different meanings for each and every one of us. Surrounded by crowds but unique nonetheless.
this photo book collaboration with artist Victoria Villasana (
Life Through My Eyes
UNHCR Türkiye,Art Anywhere and Sirkhane DARKROOM held an exhibition of photos taken by refugee & host community children in Mardin.
Make it stand out
Our memories of a childhood toy, a song we might have heard at a young age, a brief moment when we saw our reflection in the mirror, fragments of moments we can vaguely remember are pretty much equalised on paper in terms of meaning. Yet, they acquire different meanings for each and every one of us. Surrounded by crowds but unique nonetheless.
I saw the air fly
I Saw The Air Fly is an exhibition of photographs taken by children and young people who’re seeking asylum from war torn countries. Supported by Sirkhane Darkroom in Turkey, those involved have used photography to capture their lives and surroundings, documenting their experiences and helping to express themselves.
children learn to develop a visual idea and tell a story through photography while maintaining the originality of their vision. Storytelling and art of photography combined can generate a strong form of education which is proven to be healing for children who have witnessed violence, poverty and war. Photography as an art also embodies and develop numerous skills in children from sparking creativity to the technical aspect of an art such as developing photos.